Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Rough Update.

Alas! A rough drawing of a portion of the Combat Witch is completed! ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the Ground Combat Magical Apparatus!

The GCMA or Ground Combat Magical Apparatus gives any female magic user that can fit into the devices unprecedented protection, maneuverability and firepower that has no equal on the battlefield.
Protection is given by amplifying the magical strength of a combat witch and by command or automatically can erect barriers that for the most part protects the Combat Witch. On top of that, it has conventional protection in the form of armor to protect the inner workings that convert magical energy into mechanical energy that controls the wheels that give the Combat Witches their maneuverability.
Firepower is provided by, not pictured, armatures that either hold a heavy machine-gun or an auto-cannon.

A basic squad is 4. A team leader, a gunner, another regular witch and another gunner. The gunners will either have a heavy machine-gun or the auto-cannon or both can be equipped with the same weapon. It depends upon the mission. They will have an enlarged command radius that will allow a small platoon of 2 to 3 squads then the command squad of 4 more room to spread out and cover a larger portion of the battlefield. Besides the heavy weapons, the squad leader and the other regular witch will have basic assault rifles.

As an update, I am currently writing a more refined version of the rules but still far from finished. Once I have a copy typed and printed, I will post on my FB page a copy or by request.

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Wow. It's been a long time since I last updated this blog. Anyway, the rules are FINALLY being written but as of now, are not yet comple...